Killing time
6/3/2022 10:51:59 AM

The older one gets the harder it seems to be to adjust to changes. Comfortable bed and thick pillow is a thin memory as well as peaceful nightly rest. Last night was the first time during this journey when I was able to sleep peacefully and almost without waking up. This is a good basis for the next acclimatization ascend. Our goal is to ascend to camp 3 (about 7300m) and possibly even higher if possible. According to our plan we have extra oxygen to our disposal from C3 onwards, but it would be interesting to try ascending without any extra oxygen. Depending on the weather we plan to descend back on the 2nd of May.
Killing time between rotations is always not easy and being able to speak mother tongue makes it easier. It does not matter how well English is spoken; I consider the possibility to discuss in Finnish with Timo and other Finns important. Being totally cut off busy everyday life and being in totally different environment where social network has to be built from scratch is surprisingly challenging. Same goes for communications technology, which is understandably almost non-existent here. There is now urge to keep moving, react and have business calls 24/7 – there is only time. On the other hand, moving here makes heart race and breathing hard. I think it is very important to have moments when one feels like this.
How do we spend our time then? I have read George H. Stein’s book about certain wars history. In upper camp I have more easygoing book, Vares, to read. We have had interesting conversations, and of course gear maintenance fills part of spear time. Our camp has learned to play “tuppi”, a popular (Northern) Finnish card game with Timo’s lead. Today we also gave an interview to a National Geographic document on Mt. Everest climbers.
Electricity is mainly produced by solar panels. In addition, almost every camp has an aggregate and camps have agreed to use aggregates at the same time, 3-6 pm, when all electrical equipment, like laptops, iPods, cameras etc. are charged. Because of the low air pressure, some equipment breaks from time to time. This means full employment for local technicians. Our aggregate has been repaired for two days now and it seems that repairing will take one more day.
Tomorrow is still a rest day and on Vappu Eve (Labor Day’s Eve) we will head towards next challenges. We won’t have the possibility to wish you Vappu then, so we do it now: Hauskaa vappua to you all! I have spent last Vappus in Ylläs, so I propose that friends raise a toast to C3 in Ylläs Bar Kaappi on Vappu’s Eve.